1. What is the DTC?
2. Why was the DTC written?
The DTC was created in 1993 while trying to create a real time embedded system with complex conditional logic. There were many challenges having to do with the small power CPUs and providing worst case runtime guarantees, not to mention the actual work of writing the code. The DTC was created to solve these problems.
3. How do I know if the DTC is appropriate for my problem?
Does your problem include complex conditional logic? Complex is relative. With as little as 3 binary conditions, there are eight possible outcomes.
Do the conditions change often or does the work to hand code them take too long?
- Are you using a rules engine for one of the above, but don't use all the features or the engine is too slow?
Does the part of your system that evaluates the conditional logic execute too slowly or does not run in a predictable amount of time?
4. Do I have time to use the DTC?
5. Is the DTC a model checker?
6. Can the DTC be used for safety-critical systems?
7. What are the most combinations the DTC can manage?
8. What languages does the DTC support?
9. How much does the DTC cost?
10. Who owns the code generated by the DTC?
11. Where can I get additional information regarding Decision Tables and Rules Engines?