db Systems is my DBA. I am David Butler and have worked and consulted under this name since 1980.
I am a technology and business visionary with executive and hands on experience in automating multi-million dollar enterprises. My record is a success for creating robust IT architectures and infrastructures. I have a proven ability to bring the benefits of IT to solve business issues while managing costs and risks. My experience includes decades of Internet expertise, including e-commerce and security issues. In addition to providing strategic direction to senior management on all technology issues, I am a patented inventor. I've also worked extensively in distributed computing developing network models for unified circuit and packet networks. This work led me to add more to the Fallacies of Distributed Computing.
Back in 1993, while working on the electrical power subsystem for the F-22 Raptor, I created a program that builds complex logic dependent systems. This was the original version of the DTC. Continued development has been rewarding. There are several challenges and opportunities to advance computers as even better tools.